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LOEDC provided funds for improvements and maintenance for all city parks. Due to the wintry weather events over the last two years, vegetation and mature trees were lost. LOEDC approved EDC funds on December 13, 2022, to fund $50,000 for the removal and clearing of dead vegetation as a beautification project.
LOEDC provided funds for the purchase and replanting of new trees and vegetation for all city parks. The project will replace the trees that were removed due to the wintry weather events within park green space. LOEDC approved the EDC funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $50,000 to replant trees and vegetation as a beautification project.
LOEDC provided funding to expand the park trail system from Toepperwein Road to the Live Oak Town Center to provide pedestrian and bike access from Toepperwein commercial areas. LOEDC approved EDC funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $300,000 for the park trail expansion project Phase I.
LOEDC provided funding to extend the park trail system from the Toepperwein Warehouse property to the Live Oak Town Center ending at the Twin Peaks restaurant property. LOEDC approved EDC funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $200,000 for the park trail expansion project Phase II.
LOEDC provided funding to extend the park trail system to connect residents to Woodcrest Park. The trail will begin on Avery Road, cross Forest Bluff, and tie into the existing trail at Woodcrest Park. This project will provide park trail connectivity in key areas connecting residents to recreational opportunities. LOEDC approved EDC funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $400,000 for the park trail expansion project.
LOEDC provided funds for the extension of the 12” water main along Toepperwein Road to provide the ability for the owner of the next parcel of land to connect and in turn extend the water main in the future development of said parcel. The water main extension along Toepperwein Road is approximately 800 feet and will run along the west end of the Toepperwein Warehouse property. LOEDC approved EDC funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $175,000 to extend the 12” public water main.
LOEDC partnered with TXDOT for the maintenance and routine mowing of TXDOT Right-of-ways at Live Oak business corridors. The agreement would include the mowing and maintenance of Pat Booker Road (SH 218), access to Loop 1604, IH 35 frontage, and Shin Oak overpass. Keeping these important business corridors and high traffic areas in a beautiful and litter free condition on a consistent basis meets the goals of both the EDC and City Council. LOEDC approved EDC funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $40,000 per year for a multi-year mowing and litter collection agreement with the City and TXDOT.
LOEDC contributed funds for the purchase of replacement playground equipment for the Hilltop playground area in the Main City Park. The current FY 2022-2023 has budgeted $450,000 under Capital Projects and the EDC approved additional funds on December 13, 2022, in the amount of $300,000 as a contribution. In the FY 2021-2022 EDC budget, $200,000 was contributed to replace the aging “Barney Park” equipment which was completed and dedicated as the new “Acorn Park” in December 2022. The Hilltop playground is projected to be completed in September 2023. The two new playgrounds in the Main City Park add a uniquely attractive amenity and will provide a premier recreational experience for the Live Oak community and its visitors.
LOEDC is looking to enrich Live Oak’s identity and foster community and pride with monument signs in business corridors. This project provides the opportunity to work together with a common goal of improving, beautifying and marketing our City. The LOEDC is working closely with the Texas Department of Transportation in some areas and plans to add green space around the monuments as well.
2024 EDC Annual Report
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