Business Incentives
Making Your Decision Easier
State and local governments know that economic development is critical to the success of our communities. For that reason, ordinances have been enacted to provide significant incentives to locate here-and make your decision to locate or expand here a lot easier!
The City of Live Oak Economic Development Corporation was created in 1996 to expand and diversify the city's economic base. The EDC has used tax abatements and tax increment reinvestment zones to facilitate quality development. The EDC is open to using other facilitating mechanisms, but will consider each on a case-by-case basis. The EDC's incentive package is determined by five criteria:
- The number of jobs created
- The average wage and the gross annual payroll generated
- Capital investment
- The amount of new property taxes generated
- The amount of sales tax generated.
Depending upon these factors, the City will carefully examine, but consider:
- Tax Abatements
- Reinvestment Zones (Tax Increment Financing)
- Chapter 380
- Sales Tax Rebates/Other
The Economic Development Corporation is open to using other facilitating mechanisms but will consider each on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions on the incentives mentioned above, please contact Donna Lowder at (210) 653-9140 Ext. 2219 or
Visual Improvements Program (VIP)
The hottest incentive package that the city's Economic Development Corporation can offer your business is the Visual Improvements Program or as we refer to it....VIP!
What is the VIP and how can it benefit your business?

Whether you are a large or small anchor, new or old business, we are here to say the VIP program can help you! Since 2011, the broad purpose of the Visual Improvement Program has been to promote a positive city image reflecting order, harmony, and pride, thereby strengthening the economic stability in Live Oak business areas. The foremost purpose is to encourage the visual improvement and enhancement of facades, business signage, landscaping, and parking lots for commercial, professional, and retail in Live Oak.
If your business building exterior or signage needs a little TLC, then this program is for you! The funding available is based on a reimbursement up to a maximum of $5,000 per business. The cumulative amount awarded by the Live Oak Economic Development Corporation (LOEDC) shall not exceed $100,000 for each fiscal year of this program.
Are you eligible? If you are either the property owner or the business owner (tenant), you are eligible for the funding. Property owners with multiple buildings or tenants with multiple operating locations may be limited to one building or location per funding cycle. Once you submit your application and related documents to city staff describing the proposed work including three bids, the application will be presented before the EDC Board. Should the project and contractor receive approval from the Board; the EDC will pass a Resolution for payment of up to $5,000 to the contractor of your choice. Should the project exceed $5,000, the applicant is responsible for satisfying the remaining cost incurred on behalf of the project. The LOEDC will issue a deposit check not to exceed $2,500 to the contractor prior to project commencement. Once the project is completed and has passed all permitting and inspection requirements by the city's Building Official, the balance of grant monies will be paid to the contractor.
All VIP projects awarded grant monies must start construction within 90 days of being awarded funding; all projects must be completed within one year of being awarded. Work that qualifies for reimbursement includes improvements to the exterior of buildings such as painting, cleaning, tuck pointing, facade and window repair/replacement, doorways, lighting, new signage, window tinting, replacement awnings, permanent landscaping, parking lots and rear access renovations.
No strings attached, apply today!
That is how simple Live Oak can assist your BUSINESS! For more information about this incentive program, contact Donna Lowder at 210-653-9140, extension 2219 or you may download the application below.
2024 EDC Annual Report
Click and drag to read the report or use the navigation dots below