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Utility Billing


The City of Live Oak Utility Business Office prides itself on providing superior customer service and accurate information for the community we serve. The Utility Billing staff is responsible for reading, maintaining, billing and collection of approximately 3,000 water and sewer accounts each month. Utility Billing also handles requests to connect & disconnect, answer customer inquiries, calculate leak adjustments, and all billing maintenance necessary to send accurate and timely bills to our customers.

Contact Information

The Utility Business Office is located at 8001 Shin Oak Drive, Live Oak, Texas 78233 and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM (Closed on Holidays). You can reach us at (210) 653-9141, or email at

Payment Options

  • Online – click here to pay your water bill online
  • Automatic Draft – A convenient way to pay your water bill each month is to sign up for automatic bank drafting. There is no cost to you, and your payment will be automatically drafted on the due date printed on your bill each month. You will still receive your monthly bill so you can monitor your water usage. Click here to download an application for automatic draft.
  • In person – Come by City Hall at 8001 Shin Oak Drive during business hours and we will be happy to process your payment by cash, check, or credit card.
  • Drop Box – The City of Live Oak offers a drop box located at the exit of the City Hall parking lot at 8001 Shin Oak Drive. Payments placed in the drop box will be processed the following business day before 8:15 AM.
  • Mail – Utility payments can be mailed to 8001 Shin Oak Drive, Live Oak, Texas 78233. All mail payments are processed on the day they are received.
  • Automated Phone payment line at 833.257.8352 (An additional fee will apply)
  • Through your personal bank's Bill Pay system.
How to join My Water Advisor 2
  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Join my water advisor”
  3. Click on “Sign up with account number”
  4. Enter your account number with the dashes. ex. 00-0000-00
  5. Enter your last name, add comma and then first name. (ex. Smith, john)
  6. You should now be in a new screen that asks for your email and a password that you will use to log in every time.
Cómo unirse a My Water Advisor 2
  1. Ir a
  2. Haga clic en "Unirse a mi asesor de agua"
  3. Haga clic en "Registrarse con el número de cuenta"
  4. Introduzca su número de cuenta con los guiones. ex 00-0000-00
  5. Introduzca su apellido, agregue la coma y luego el nombre. (ex. Smith, John)
  6. Ahora debería estar en una nueva pantalla que le pida su correo electrónico y una contraseña que utilizará para iniciar sesión cada vez.

Other Service Providers

Electric and Gas Services for the City of Live Oak are provided by City Public Service of San Antonio. They can be reached at (210) 353-2222.