Municipal Court
The Live Oak Municipal Court is a Court of Record, and handles all class C misdemeanor traffic and City Ordinance violations written by Live Oak Police, Animal Control, and Code Enforcement Departments. This function is staffed by three people.
Mission Statement
The City of Live Oak Municipal Court is committed to operating the Court within its jurisdiction, in compliance with State Laws and City Ordinances, to promote the safety and welfare of all citizens. Administrative functions shall include timely and accurate processing of complaints filed, courteous response to requests for information from the public, responsible collection of assessed fines and fees, and efficient docketing of cases for adjudication.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:45pm
Municipal Court is generally held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Docket hours 9:30 am - 11:00 am and 1:30pm - 4:00 pm. Defendants are seen on a first-come first-served basis. All times are approximate and may be later than posted depending on the case load. *No phone calls accepted while Court is in session.
- A telephone call does not constitute an appearance.
- Continuances are not granted by phone; you must appear in person or by an attorney, or in writing.
All persons entering the Court shall obey the following rules:
- Dress appropriately
- No talking in court unless addressed by the Judge or Court Personnel
- No firearms, pocket knives, tools of any kind, sharp objects, or other weapons allowed (leave them in your vehicle)
- Conduct himself/herself in a respectful and courteous manner
- No signs of any type will be allowed in the courtroom
- No food or drink items allowed
- No electronic devices
- Cell phones (must be on silent or off)
- MP3 players, PDAs, cameras, laptops, ipads should be left in vehicles or at home unless needed for your court case
Seating is limited to Defendants and their Attorneys only. Others may be asked to wait in the lobby.
Defendants with certain traffic violations may request Defensive Driving providing they have not taken it within the last 12 months and they were not going 25 miles or more over the posted speed limit. Defendant must receive approval by the Court, on or before their Initial Court date, prior to taking the class.
To request defensive driving defendants must provide:
- Proof of current insurance with defendant’s name
- Copy of valid driver's license
- Payment of $144.00 in the form of a money order, cashier check, credit card or cash. Personal checks are not accepted.
Deferred Disposition requests require the defendant to speak with the Judge or Prosecutor in person.
Note: Defendants possessing a Commercial License are unable to participate in Defensive Driving or Deferred Disposition.
If you do not show up on your scheduled court date or come in prior to that date to pay the fine, you may receive an additional citation and fine for Failure to Appear.
Please direct any additional questions to City of Live Oak Municipal Court or you may reach us by phone at (210) 945-1799. Please be aware that no personally identifiable information may be transmitted by email.

Honorable Judge Edmond Phillips
Municipal Judge

Municipal Court
8022 Shin Oak Drive
Live Oak, TX 78233
(210) 945-1799