Crime Victims Assistance
If you have been a victim of a crime in the City of Live Oak, you are encouraged to file a report by contacting the non-emergency communications at (210) 945-1700. If the crime is occurring in your presence and you can safely do so, dial or text 911.
The Crime Victims Assistance Program in Texas is a state-funded initiative that provides support and assistance to victims of crime. The program aims to ensure that victims receive the necessary resources and services to help them cope with the physical, emotional, and financial impact of crime.
The Crime Victims Assistance Program is administered by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in Texas. The OAG works in collaboration with various local agencies, non-profit organizations, and service providers to deliver comprehensive assistance to crime victims across the state.
One of the primary objectives of the program is to provide financial assistance to eligible victims. This assistance can cover a range of expenses related to the crime, including medical bills, counseling services, funeral costs, and lost wages. The program also offers compensation for property damage or loss resulting from the crime.
In addition to financial aid, the Crime Victims Assistance Program offers various support services to victims. These services include crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, and referrals to other community resources. Trained professionals collaborate closely with victims to assess their needs and develop personalized plans for recovery.
The program also prioritizes the safety and protection of victims by providing information on legal rights and options. Victims are informed about their rights within the criminal justice system and are guided through the process of reporting a crime, obtaining protective orders, and participating in court proceedings.
To be eligible for assistance through the Crime Victims Assistance Program, individuals must meet certain criteria. Generally, victims must have reported the crime to law enforcement within a reasonable time and cooperated with authorities during the investigation and prosecution of the case. Additionally, victims must demonstrate a financial need for assistance.
It is important to note that the Crime Victims Assistance Program does not replace or duplicate any other sources of compensation available to victims. Instead, it serves as a supplemental resource for those who may not have access to other forms of support.
To apply for assistance through the program in Live Oak, Texas, victims can contact Detren Scales, their local Crime Victim Liaison at or (210) 945-1706. We are here to help guide victims through the application process and provide ongoing support.
- Office of the Attorney General - Texas: The official website of the Office of the Attorney General in Texas provides comprehensive information about the Crime Victims Assistance Program and its services. (Website:
- Texas Department of Public Safety: The Texas Department of Public Safety website offers valuable resources and information related to crime victim assistance programs in the state. (Website:
- Texas Code of Criminal Procedure: The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure outlines the legal framework for crime victim compensation and assistance programs in the state. (Website:
- Bexar County District Attorney Victim Services: The Victim Assistance division of the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office is available to assist victims of crime whose case was committed within Bexar County. (Website: